Ephram is usually extremely active in the morning before I get out of bed. This morning I couldn't feel him. I tried drinking a soda and laying down, still nothing. After waiting a while I called my midwife. Of course all this is happening before the office was open. Matt and I headed to the hospital to make sure Ephram was all right. Praise the Lord, Ephram was fine. Pretty quickly after they started monitoring me I started feeling him move. That's how it always goes!
Even though Ephram seemed fine, they did a Biophysical ultrasound to make sure. It's just an ultrasound where they check the baby's gross body movement(arms and legs), fine movement (fingers and toes), breathing, amniotic fluid and heart. Ephram scored perfect! YAY!
Matt and I were thrilled to get to see Ephram again. We hadn't seen him since we found out he was a boy at 19 weeks! He's changed so much! We saw his hair, him opening and closing his eyes, his iris, big pouty lips and his diaphragm moving as he practised breathing! Incredible! They had a "buzzer" that they would use to get him to do the gross body movement. It was basically an electronic zurberter (raspberry). It was hilarious and adorable to see him jump every time the buzzer was used.
Jeremiah got to play with Nana all morning and have lunch out with her. He was so excited after the fun morning he decided he didn't need to nap. I was disappointed but he held it together really well! We had a fun afternoon playing with, I think, every toy in the house. By the time Daddy got home, this was how were were all feeling...
haha...today is not any calmer!!! Welcome to the world baby Ephram!!
I too laughed at the last sentence, hoping for calm. At least it was an exciting crazy?
It was exciting! So crazy.
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