Thursday, September 4, 2008


Looks like my morning sickness was short lived! I haven't been sick since Sunday, wohoo! One of my friends from church gave me some great advice; take my vitamin at night. This seems to have made a huge difference. I've gotten a ton of other great ideas. The other one that's been a big help is to keep crackers by the bed and have some before getting up. I still feel a little nauseated (is that the right form of the word? I always forget which it is) in the mornings but nothing like it was. Yea!


Deirdre said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better. I was sick for quite a while with Sarah but only barely with Alex. Wonder if that means you should pay more attention to those boy name options!?!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are feeling better!!!

Sherry said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better. Just keep trying different things. Silly I know but I also have a chocolate milk thing and that helped me in the morning too during my fourth pregnancy - could all just be in my mind, I really like chocolate milk. hee hee
I hope you feel great during the rest of your pregnancy - my prayers are with you.