Earlier this week Mr. Ron and Ms Terri came over so that the guys could instal a garbage disposal. While the guys were picking one out and getting the supplies Ms Terri and I went and got dinner. Yum, Chines! We all ate and then it was time to work! Ms Terri and I supervised and watch John and Kate Plus Eight.
The guys got it done pretty quickly! And it works great! I love having a garbage disposal again. Thanks for your help Mr Ron and Ms Terri! I owe you all cookies!
Ron says, "Glad to help--can't wait for the cookies!" We had a great time. We are looking forward to our next pictionary session. Much love, T
Hip, hip, hooray for Mr. Ron!!!
Hope Tonks is better and that you are happily enjoying your new disposal. If I remember correctly Ron always has been a big cookie fan. (Can't say I blame him) Wonder where you got the great cookie baking gene! ! ! Love grm
cleaning out the food trap is a gross job! i will say that mr ron's plumbing ability has definitely improved!
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