Monday, August 25, 2008

It's official

Matt and I are pregnant! We're about 6 weeks along. The baby s due April 22. We're so excited to be expecting our first child.  Everything  seems to be going really well. We're so happy!


Anonymous said...

i am sooo excited!! love you ALL! xoxoxo

Kierstyn said...

Very exciting!! I've been telling just about everyone. :-) And tonight Micah wanted to pray for you and the baby in your tummy.

Lots of love from Aunt Kierstyn!

Unknown said...

Are those water spots on the counter? You did read the directions first didn't you...and follow themas well...

Sherry said...

Congratulations!! How exciting!!!

Kierstyn's friend Sherry here just lurking (not stalking). Hope I didn't scare you just popping up and posting a comment, but that's some seriously exciting news I couldn't help myself. :)

Kierstyn said...

Hey Sherry! I'm thrilled that you are exposing yourself, you crazy lurker!

Isn't it exciting that I get to be any AUNT?????

Megan said...

Thanks Sherry! No worries about lurking. I still love telling people. :-)