Friday, January 14, 2011


Jeremiah is now tall enough to open drawers and pull things out. I usually don't care, except when it's in the kitchen. Never know for sure what he might find.

While I was vacuuming yesterday Jeremiah came running up to me saying "two!". He had 2 spoons. I let him play with them while I finished up. He was mainly using the vacuum as a drum. :-) Once I was done I could find only one spoon. There was no telling where he left, so I didn't worry about it.

As I was getting ready for bed I found the spoon! In my underwear drawer. Gotta say, would have NEVER looked for the spoon there.

At least he put it back in a drawer, right???


momma said...

soon he will be putting giant plastic spiders in yoour drawer or as much as me likes outside...maybe real ones!!

Megan said...

Now that's something to look forward to!

Shannon (Cali version) said...

oh that's a good one! And total points for at least putting it back somewhere.