Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping has been very different this year then any other year. Mainly because I have to think about what to do with Mr. Jeremiah. He's still pretty oblivious, so I can buy his presents with him there. But it's a handful to shop with a toddler!

We went to an outlet mall to get a few gifts yesterday. As we walk into the first store he found a stick he wanted to carry around. No big deal, until I made him leave it outside. Thankfully, our first stop was a quick one. He was reunited with his stick in no time.

The next store we needed to go to was at the other end of the outlet mall. It's an out door one, so I thought walking would be fun. It was... at first. We had to stop and pick up every leaf, look at every planter and try to get into every kiddy ride. Nothing major, just taking a lot longer then I was hoping. We finally make it to the store. The boy lost it when I made him leave the stick outside. The whole time we were in the store he would cry and say "stick! side!" I hurried and grabbed the gifts I needed.

We walk outside and the stick is gone! Jeremiah was glad to be able to walk and be outside that he didn't notice. That lasted a few minutes. It wasn't enough to pick up the leaf, he wanted to sit and play with it. He just couldn't hold it together. So I picked him up and carried him. He was not pleased, crying, yelling, arching his back. We got a lot of interesting looks, a lot of sympathetic one from grandparents. We finally made it back to the car and life was good again.

I had wanted to go to one more store that was on the way home and would be a fast stop. The whole time I was driving I was going back and forth on what to do. I asked Jeremiah if he was up for one more stop. He promptly told me "No." I decided to go for it. As I was turning into the parking lot I told him it would be really fast. He answered, "No, no, no." Not in a mean way, in "please, no more Momma!". He was a super trooper in the last store and we were in and out in 10 minutes. And got shopping done for 6 people! Wohoo!

So now I only take him Christmas shopping with me if I'm going to a store that has a buggy, or just wait till Matt's home.


annie said...

I just shop online! It's too hard making all those stops! Wait til free shipping and then go for it! ;)

Megan said...

That's what we're doing with most of Jeremiah's gifts. Will make it so much easier when we fly out. Coming home could be interesting. :-)

Shannon (Cali version) said...

I've been trying to do most of my shopping online as well. Kaitlyn is one of those kids that will take off and not look back. So yeah, only stores with carts for us as well unless I only need one quick thing and have the time to roam around with her.