Monday, February 16, 2009

Surprise Shower

Once  month we have sales week at the bank. We're given a number of accounts we're supposed to open. If we don't reach our goal we end up having to stay late and trying to figure out ways to get the accounts the next day. I don't look forward to sales week at all! Everyone is under a ton of pressure and hoping we don't have to stay. 

Mystery and Pam taking the eating baby food game very seriously


Ben, Elaine and Karimah

Me right after I realized what was happening

All the cute decorations

His name out of animals

The yummy cake!


Kierstyn said...

How sweet!! I love his name made out of letter... very clever!

Unknown said...

I hope you apologized to everyone for being grumpy when they were supporting you!

What a great treat. They obviously got into the jungle theme for the celebration. You can be thankful for these friends.


Shannie said...

I'm with Kiersty... cute decorations! Did you get to keep them?