Sunday, July 18, 2010

If momma ain't happy...

Ain't nobody happy! I've been thinking about that saying a lot lately. Mostly because I've seen the truth of it in my family. The days where I'm in a bad mood, I get very impatient. Not a good thing to be when you're home with a little one. Jeremiah ends up on edge and it just makes the day worse for both of us. Matt comes home to an inpatient and now frustrated wife and a little boy who's cranky. Not quiet the welcome he was expecting, I'm sure.

Yesterday was like that. Matt needed to go into work for a little bit. Not a big deal. Well, a little bit turned into four hours. I don't do well if things don't go as planned. I got my panties in a twist and let him know it. Jeremiah changed the plan by taking an hour long nap instead of the typical 3 hour nap. I got annoyed at both of them. Like it was a personal attack. When Matt got home all three of us were cranky.

There are other days that are great! I find great joy in being with Jeremiah. Building a tower over and over again for him, just so he can knock it down, singing silly songs and dancing with him just because he likes it. He's in a great mood then! I enjoy baking for my husband and surprising him with it when he get home. The evening is so much better on these days.

What makes the difference between these days? I know it's me, but what exactly? This past week I've had an epiphany. The days that were great, were the ones where I got up and read my Bible to start my day. The days when I decided to hit the snooze were the bad days. When I realized that I was blown away. You would think I would have figured it out a while a go. By me not making sure I have gotten myself focused on Christ, I end up focused on myself. Of course I'm going to be impatient with Jeremiah when he doesn't take a good nap, because I'm not able to relax and do what I want. Why would I want to serve my husband? He should be serving me! So selfish.

On the days where I did read my Bible there were still times when I could of gotten frustrated. Matt worked from before 8am till 8pm one day last week. I'm used to having him home in the evening to help with Jeremiah. When I found out he was staying late, I'm not going to lie, I wasn't a very happy wife. I could of let myself think it wasn't fair and let Matt know what I was thinking causing him to stress out even more. But what good would that have done? Matt works incredibly hard to provide for our family and enable me to stay home. How lucky am I to have a husband how's willing to make that sacrifice? By not letting myself get my panties in a twist, I was able to find a reason to be thankful- Matt.

Crazy. The same situation, polar opposite reactions on my part, and polar opposite evenings.

It's amazing the difference 15 minutes at the start of the day makes in my whole day! Let me encourage you: at some point during the day, make the time to fellowship with God alone and see the difference it makes in your day.


Britt said...

This is so true! I think even once we do figure it out that it's easy to forget that quiet time makes such a big difference. Thanks for the reminder.

Ashley said...

Thanks for the encouragement and honesty Meg! I do the same thing. Why do we always think we are too busy or tired for something so important!

Amanda said...

Wow, great post! I too am guilty of getting really cranky when D's schedule changes. They just changed his work schedule to working six days and having two days off!!! He called to tell me that today, and had to go--then I squeezed in a devo because I was about to blow--and then when he called me back I was def. calmed down. It takes a lot of discipline and discernment to figure out what you just wrote about. . .hope I can learn it real soon.

Megan said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with this!
Even though I just wrote that post, the past few day I haven't been making the time for a devo.
Amanda: Will be praying for you as you adjust with the change in D's schedule.