Saturday, January 17, 2009

Movin' on up!

Last night Jeremiah discovered there's a lot more room in my belly, under my ribs! Not a good sensations to be about to fall asleep and all the sudden have a littler person under your ribs. Guess I have to get used to it for the next few weeks. 


Kierstyn said...

LOL! Well, maybe now you won't have to pee as much.

When the doc delivered Micah, he had to get his foot unstuck from my ribs! It's really crazy at the end of the pregnancy when he's on your bladder all the time AND you can't breathe!

Anonymous said...

see--- i told you you were holding on by your toes just like micah was!!! Jeremiah will be here before we know it!

Shannie said...

you guys are great birth control

Megan said...

He only moves into my ribs when I'm laying down. So I still pee all the time!

Glad we can help, Shan.

Heather said...

You will have to ask my mom about feet in rib cages...apparently I did it to her all the time....