Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Freezer Cooking

Lately I have not been wanting to cook... at all. When dinner time comes around I open the freezer and pantry and hope there's something in there that requires little of me. Thankfully there has been, but it's not going to stay that way much longer.

I've been asking myself what I'm going to do. Today I went to momeysavingmom and she had a blog about having a freezer cooking day. Sounds perfect! At first glance, that is. Once I started really looking into it. The shopping, the prep work and trying to figure out what I would do with Jeremiah during this day. Seemed impossible!

I think I might give it a try with a few simple recipes and muffins (Jeremiah's new favorite breakfast). That seems much more doable than doing all my cooking for the whole month! Who knows, maybe one day I'll work up to it.


momma said...

we should do a freezer cookingday while i'm there!!

Connie said...

I don't do my freezer cooking all in one day. I did once or twice and realized it took all the fun out of it for me.

Now I have one meat prep day (I'm a vegetarian and I like to keep it to one day) and then do the rest of the prep & cooking over the next few days.

I also do the make & eat one serving and store 2-3 more in the freezer when I make dinner.
Again, much more manageable.

Since there are just two of us, and only one meat eater, I go for quality and not volume. Be wary of the recipes that are big on volume and low on quality food ingredients. Skip the soup-based casseroles and anything that has Minute Rice in it.

Good luck!


Kierstyn said...

I tried the whole freezer cooking for a month thing. I discovered that I sometimes didn't plan ahead enough to be able to thaw out the meal in time to cook it, so I had a freezer full of food and nothing to cook.

What works for me is to plan what meals I have stuff for, and prepare the meat ahead of time, and freeze that. Then I just check my list of availible meals (I've gotten better at doing this in the morning when I still have time) and pull out the already cooked meat that I need. Sometimes I even pull my meat for a week out and stick it in the fridge.

Happy cooking!

Megan said...

Sounds good, Momma!

Thanks for those tips, Connie. The more I think about it, it seems more manageable.

That's a good idea, Kiersty. I lvoe the idea of throwing it on the counter in the morning and into the oven at night. Have to see if I rememebr to take it out in the morning. :-)

Amanda said...

I saw that same post on MoneySavingMom! When you do this, post helpful hints on how to keep the kitchen from looking like a bomb went . . . I'm a somewhat messy cooker for ONE meal much less 30!

So excited about your trying this: let me know your list!