Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Houdini Baby

Jeremiah has always had a knack for getting out things while sleeping. When we still swaddled him I would find him with an arm or leg out most morning. While in the sleep sack he would get a foot of a hole for a car seat clasp. How he did it, I don't know.
This week he went cold turkey from the sleep sack! He's been doing great. I thought we were done with the escape act, since he wasn't in the sleep sack any more. I was wrong! Now he's trying to get out of his clothes while sleeping! This is how I found him yesterday morning.
He got his arm out of the sleeve and then out of the neck! Can you say Houdini baby?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Cute! I go in to get my 2 year old up from her nap now and she sometimes has her shirt and pants off. Thankfully she doesn't take her diaper off!