Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Disclaimer: This is slightly inappropriate....

We've taught Jeremiah to say baby. He'll pull up my shirt and pat my tummy and say "babee!" Baby is now interchangeable with tummy. Everyone has a baby!

Last week while changing his diaper he patted his tummy and said baby. I told him that was his tummy and only momma has a baby in her tummy. He reached a little further down patted his penis and said "BABEE!" the whole time there was a huge smile on his face. I told him no, that was his penis, while trying not too laugh too much.

Now EVERY time I change his diaper he does the same thing!


momma said...

too funny!!

Brittany said...

HAHAHAHH! Love it! Boys and their....yeah...

Shannon (Cali version) said...

hehe! boys will be boys!

Megan said...

I knew boys were... obsessive about that, but at 1? Wasn't expecting it so soon. :-)