Saturday, August 28, 2010


If you hadn't heard I'm PREGNANT!!!
Found out a week ago today. We got home from the garage sale last weekend and were exhausted! After getting Jeremiah down, we were watching a movie and talking. We both talked about how we really wanted to be pregnant but had a feeling we weren't. The plan was to take a test Sunday morning, but we got too antsy. I was ready to watch and wait to see if another line would pop up. Matt told me that wouldn't help and to give it time. I left and then turn around to see him just watching and waiting!He slowly looked up at me with a completely shocked and ecstatic expression. I started freaking out! Ran and grab the test and sure enough, TWLINES!

Faint, but two!

Happy parents!

Jeremiah is super excited to be a big brother!
If I ask him where the baby is he'll pull up my shirt and pat my belly while he says "be" (baby). He'll even give it loves. So adorable, till he starts doing it to Matt. Apparently Jeremiah thinks a belly button is a baby. We'll work on that. Not bad for a 16 month old.

I'm only 4 weeks along. I go in for my first appointment next Wednesday. Won't be far enough along for a sonogram. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get one around 7 weeks. We're thrilled but a little anxious after what we went through in April. Trusting in God to do what's best for all 4 of us.


Susie said...

Sooo excited for you!! What wonderful news!! Praying for you and baby.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed seeing your picture when you found out about Jeremiah...just a little bit of change...

Love you all!
Grand Daddy

Megan said...

Susie: Thanks!

Dad: Just a little change. :-) It's funny, we found out about this baby 2 yers and 9 days after we found out Jeremiah was on the way.

Amanda said...

OH WOW! Just saw this!!!! WHERE HAVE I BEEN? My sister and dad said they saw y'all, they probably found out before I did. This makes me want to cry! WOOO HOO! Though am praying for safety -- it's in God's hands!

I'm so happy!

Megan said...

Thanks, Amanda! Please keep the prayers coming. I did see Joanna. She looks so much like you!